A review by andyn5
Lady Mechanika #1 by Joe Benítez


This review was originally published on NetGalley.

It was love at first sight with this graphic novel and even though you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, I’m very glad I did! It does help that I’m a big fan of Steampunk.

This is the story of Lady Mechanika, a half-human half-machine in her search to discover her identity and her maker. As her journey takes her to the city where she was found, the Lady investigates a peculiar death of a young girl much like her at the local train station. Does it have anything to do with her? Was it the same person that transformed her? In a Steampunk world where Man and machine are one, nothing will stand in her way until she gets her answers.

There isn’t anything I didn’t like in this graphic novel: the artwork is breathtaking, absolutely brilliant and the colours go perfectly with the dark and industrial setting. It was amazing to see how this world worked and it was impossible not to love the beautiful landscapes. The storyline is very well thought and it’s steady-paced. Details of this world are all around the story, but not enough to be boring.

Lady Mechanika is a great character: elegant, graceful, quick with the guns, seemly cold and detached but with a caring heart hidden underneath. She doesn’t care if it’s human, machine or not human at all, if they need help she will give it. However, don’t piss her off. Lady Mechanika doesn’t care about power or hierarchy in society, if anyone stands in her way or even threatens her… well, you have to read it to find out the rest.

Loved every minute and I’ll start the second volume very soon!