A review by poppymaeve
Miss Silver's Past by Josef Škvorecký, Peter Kussi


My dad has been trying to get me to read more Czech authors for ages, but I could never get into any of the novels he recommended to me. So when he put this in my hands I was skeptical, thinking that I wouldn't get past the first chapter. But I wanted to give it a go, because I knew my dad loves this author.

And I have to say that I was very surprised by this book. It was easy to read, and I found the plot interesting enough to keep my reading, though it wasn't quite gripping. I was, for the majority of the book, worried, thinking that Lenka Silver was just another female character who I have read many times in literature - that sort of dangerous, mysterious, quirky woman, the sort of female that John Green seems to adore as love interests for his protagonist. I find these types of female characters annoying, I think their coined by Tumblr "manic pixie fairies" or something alone those lines. But Josef pulls it back, which is why I rated this book 4 stars.
SpoilerI admit that I hadn't even suspected that Lenka could be the sister of the Chief's dead fiance, so I found that reveal at the end really made the book for me. Throughout the novel I was going to give it 3 stars, but just that little plot twist placed it higher in my mind