A review by alinaborger
The View from Mount Joy by Lorna Landvik


So usually Katie and I agree on like 1/10th of the books we read. And that's okay because mostly we swap charmers and beach reads as needed for a tough week or a fun vacation. I'll love one that she thinks is just okay and she'll adore one that I think is so-so.

But when we hit on those books we both find delightful, it's always a treat and we're glad we shared the other nine to arrive at that one.

The View From Mount Joy is one we both agreed on. It's not going to win any awards or make any splashes on my favorites lists, but it's a little parable, a morality tale told as sweetly as such tales often are. One man chooses love, and finds his simple life managing a grocery store is full to the brim; one woman chooses fame and adoration, and finds a life full of accolades that only makes her smaller and meaner and more selfish.

Love wins. Love always wins.

A Caveat: As Katie warned me, so I warn you: there is a bit of "gratuitous high school sex" in the opening chapters. Not sure the sex itself is exactly gratuitous, as it's part of developing the characters and their relationships, but the phrase does as good a job of any at explaining that the scenes are read a bit more like a bodice-ripper than morality tale.