A review by mikekaz
The Cold Spot by Tom Piccirilli


Before this book Piccirilli was still on my "heard a lot of good but not sure I'll follow him quite yet" list. Now though, he's on my must follow list of authors. This story is intense, hard hitting and not something to be missed.

Orphaned at a young age, Chase is raised by his grandfather Jonah to be a getaway driver and live a life of crime. Chase has no problem with this until one day when Jonah kills someone in their crew. Chase then goes solo and lives his own life until one day when he needs his grandfather's abilities.

The story involves the search for how a person fits into life, love, revenge, facing the past and then to make it fun, cops and robbers. The book is next to impossible to put down; you just want to keep reading and reading. All the characters are engaging and very easy to picture. And while the plot is a bit predictable, all of the elements that are built around it are not. Trust me and pick this book up and read it. You won't be sorry.