A review by kiraly
Cities and Thrones: Recoletta Book 2 by Carrie Patel


I finally finished this book! I kept putting it down to read other things. And right after I finished it I found out it's actually the second in a series, so no wonder I felt like I was missing a lot. The ending is pretty abrupt, so I assume there will be a third book at some point.

If you're interested in books about political scheming in a gritty steampunk-ish world, you might like this series. I wasn't terribly enamored with any of the characters, and I felt like the hints of world-building were interesting but not as fleshed out as I wanted them to be. Again, that might be my fault for not reading the books in order. I might pick up [b:The Buried Life|20263206|The Buried Life (Recoletta, #1)|Carrie Patel|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1397252024s/20263206.jpg|28099421] at some point to see what I missed.