A review by rebelrider
Heroes & Villains by Jon Scieszka


Most of these stories were rather boring. In one, there seemed to be no hero or villain, and some of the other stories had no hero.
I also got a little annoyed at two of the stories pushing an agenda. One was about an illegal immigrant crossing the border. (Overall, the author did decently and the story didn't feel very preachy, but I could tell what the author was doing.) Another was about a boy whose mother thought she'd shot a guy. This one was especially bad because of how stupidly it depicted gun stuff. Firstly, anyone with half a brain knows better than to shoot a gun at night without having a target, and secondly, the story depicted the father, who liked guns, as having no regard for human life and generally a bad guy who treated his family like trash, all the while spouting pro-gun phrases. If it hadn't been for this preachy story and its straw man antagonist, I'd have given the book three stars because I liked the story about the boy who ratted out the dairy for poor practices. (That story was also a bit political, but really well done because it pulled at my heart strings since my family has milk cows, and the dairy was certainly in the wrong.)