A review by jiyoung
What If This Were Enough? by Heather Havrilesky


I've enjoyed my fair share of Heather Havrilesky's advice columns in the past (as long winded as she tends to get). These are somewhat of a departure from the typical romance / advice fare; Havrilesky delves into social and cultural critiques on everything from TV zeitgeist to how womanhood can be mapped on to many of the horror tropes in Shirley Jackson's works. Most of the essays ultimately are criticisms of the rat race of modern life, and sometimes to an annoyingly obvious degree (Disney World is a capitalistic trap? Shocking.) I think Havrilesky writes sharply, though I wish she would've tackled maybe some less painfully evident theses/topics. This collection was a quick and fun read but too shallow to be fresh or truly profound.