A review by catra121
A Holiday Temptation by Tiffany Patterson


I thought this was a great story! There is so much I loved about this book but tops for me was the disability rep and the characters. I loved that even though one of the main characters is disabled and in a wheelchair, he is a fully fleshed out person and his disability isn't his defining characteristic...it's not all there is to him and descriptions of him aren't solely centered on this part of him...he felt real and the way the relationship develops felt natural. I really thought this was excellent. And our female lead in this book is also fully fleshed out character with her own stuff going on and it just worked for me.

I have one problem with this book that kept it from being 5 stars for me...and it's that I didn't love reading it. The actual reading experience for me was a struggle because the author uses a dual POV with each POV being in first person. I love this in romance novels...but there is nothing to indicate at the start of the chapter (or mid-chapter when the POV switches) WHO we are reading from...and this really pulled me out of the story almost every time. I know this doesn't impact all readers...but when I read, especially in first person, each character had their own voice...so if I start reading a chapter in the wrong voice...it really throws me off. Every other book I've read that does this dual POV starts each chapter with the character name and I guess I've taken that for granted. Not having it hear really spoiled the actual reading experience in this one for me.

But even with that...I still overall really loved this story and would definitely recommend it.