A review by geekwayne
Mystery Society by Steve Niles


When adventurer Nick Collins is arrested, he decides to tell the story behind the Mystery Society. He's been caught breaking in to Area 51 to rescue an experiment. Meanwhile his lover Anastasia has been recruiting new members to the team, a robot with Jules Verne's brain and a dead girl. Throw in government conspiracies and the missing skull of Edgar Allan Poe, and you've got a good setup.

It's all got a hip devil-may-care vibe. It worked for me, but that laid back attitude, and the fact that the team always finds a way out of every situation with apparent ease, leaves the book lacking tension. There are likeable enough characters, and strange situations.

The art by Fiona Staples is a treat with robots, skulls and a main color scheme of blue-green and orange, which gives everything a cool tone. It had kind of a 1970s feel to it. I wish there had been more tension, but there is definitely room for more books in the series.