A review by sandra4444
The Princess and the Captain by Anne-Laure Bondoux


*Real rating: somewhere between 3-4.25 stars, but I'll keep it at 5 for nostalgic reasons.*

This is my third time reading this book, the last time being probably before I joined Goodreads. I remembered some details, a couple of characters and the fact that I cried my eyes out. But upon rereading the book, I realized I had forgotten some things, which kind of made it feel as if I was reading it for the first time again.

This is a book about adventure, despite what the title might have you believe. Sure, there's some romance involved, but overall it is about a couple of people being thrown into certain adventurous situations one after another. There is some amazing character development going on throughout the book, especially with the female main lead Malva. The worldbuilding is rich of descriptions, though perhaps not thoroughly explained; the characters are diverse in terms of age and personality, though some are more lovable than others, and the themes of friendship and self-discovery are great! The second half of the book is definately my favourite, but without the first half I wouldn't have been able to reach the second half and to appreciate the character development. I didn't cry this time around, but I was still left with some weird feeling in my chest after having finished the book.

While I probably wouldn't have put "The Princess and the Captain" as one of my absolute favourite books today, I can understand why my younger self did. Being the rather nostalgic person I am, I'll let it stay on the favourite-books shelf for now.