A review by mackle13
Magic: An Anthology of the Esoteric and Arcane by Dan Abnett, Audrey Niffenegger


I'm not really sure how to rate this book. I think I'd say 2.5 overall, but not sure if I should round up or down.

Like any short story collection, it's a mixed bag. None of them were really bad, but a lot of them just didn't leave that much of an impression on me. I did like the general idea - the different ways that magic was used and portrayed, from classical, to UF-ish, to horror. But I can't say that there are any which make me want to run out and get more by the author.

That said, one of my favorites of the lot was 'Buttons' by Gail Z. Martin. I'm not sure whether I'm predisposed towards it a bit, since she's the only author I'm already familiar with and enjoy. But I have read a few other reviews which thought this was one of the better stories, so I'm going to say it's not entirely a bias thing.

Hers was also one of the more "teaser" stories. What I mean is there seem to be two types of short stories - those which are self-contained, and those which feel like little glimpses, or prologues, into bigger worlds/stories. I would like to keep going in the world Martin created - even though it's standard-ish UF, I liked the characters.

The other story that left the biggest impression was 'The Baby'by Christopher Fowler, but that was more from how disturbing it was than anything. (It could also be a bit triggery... so... )

Aside from those, I guess here's the general breakdown:


First and Last and Always
Do as Thou Wilt


If I Die, Kill My Cat
Party Tricks
The Art of Escapology
Nancy Grey
Dumb Lucy

2 stars:

The Wrong Fairy (I barely remember this one, to be honest)
Domestic Magic
Cad Coddeu
Bottom Line

I think I might go 2, more for the sheer forgetability factor. I mean, even some of the stories I think were ok I had to flip through to remind myself what they were about, just a mere day later.

But I will say part of it is a "it's not you, it's me". I keep picking up these types of anthologies with high hopes, but I think, maybe, it's just not the right format for me. Meh.