A review by san_
The Return of the Indian by Lynne Reid Banks


This book did got better and a bit serious.
Omari seem to have grown and understand the consequences of his or anybody's action that will effect the other party and history and the past as we know it.
And ofcourse we have Patrick who still has not grown a brain yet. It's common to have character whose stupidity baffles you.Characters like these were essential part of the book in those time because their absurd action makes the main character to stand out and take better decisions,which turns the main character as the hero at the end. But this won't stop the annoyance Patrick's actions cause.

Ofcourse little bear is demanding as usual, the cowboy seem to have grown and come out of his shell.

The book did become more serious since it show the realisim and the impact of having a magical cupboard that brings human from old era in modern time and switiching back and forth and using modern times tactics which effect the history.

But it seems that with every book the audience/reader need to grow since the book seems to getting a bit mature like killing and bloodshed is clearly there from pretty much early on in the book.

Certainly for adults it will be good read but as for children it's best for older ones who are a bit mature and understand the content they are reading. It's certainly not a book for children but rather preteens and teens due to content and the language used.

All in all this is a great book in taking up a childish plot and how the idea transforms into realistic situation that can happen if the cupboard is actullay there which brings back real people.

A highly recommended read especially for readers who like to indulge in like this type of children's books for once in a while.