A review by readtolive
Hero Complex by Margaux Froley


What can I say? I am a sucker for high school drama. Only, something about Devon just draws me in more than most.

Escape theory was such a roller coaster ride, and Hero Complex is more of the same. There is action, adventure, romance, and even a bit of family drama.

The auther once again managed to capture the essence of high school life, along with the drama that goes with some family dynamics that will hit home for a lot of people reading it. This is a fun, fast read that will keep the readers on their toes and guessing until the very end. I never saw the plot twists in this one coming.

While some of the sequences and scenes will seem to the less discerning reader as just filler, once you reach the end you will realize that it was all necessary. It all played into the suspense that made this such a good read.

I highly recommend this series, and cannot wait to see what comes next. I really hope there is another book.