A review by adeleighpenguin
The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic by Breanne Randall


This was so shockingly, tremendously bad. You a fan of The Ex Hex? The Witches of Thistle Grove series? Then by God, do not read this book.

For one thing, I am beyond baffled by the decision to have characters having some interaction with literal ghosts… perform very Wiccan-style witchcraft (a lot more herb-based and spiritual than books of this nature typically are), and on top of all of that they are……… Christians??? Pointedly do not use the word witch??? Attending a baptist church??? Like c’mon, there has to be at least some kind of explanation for that to work.

The prose…. Heinous. Somebody needs to take the words “mutinous” and “shit-ass” away from this author. Completely plagued by flowery, extensive setting descriptions only to be followed by the most clunky and heavy-handed characters you’ve ever encountered in a literary setting. Where is the nuance??

Don’t even get me started on the “romance” in this book. Poor Bethany did not deserve to be treated like that, what on earth