A review by suze_1624
Open Seating by Mickie B. Ashling


So, if I take this as a frenemies to lovers tale, it is quite cute and enjoyable.
If I take it as written with Seth having to go on a cruise 2 weeks after his partners death, with Bryce taking up Mark’s place, then it is a bit harder to like.
The writing is pacy and engaging - there are some funny bits (not sure intended) - I did chuckle about the moan about long UK passport queues - works both ways, going into US is a nightmare! And the comment about passengers soaking up the sun on a cruise round the British Isles made me laugh - very rarely warm enough!!!
Seth is a fairly pampered princess, having been largely looked after by Mark, even in death Mark. Bryce is a self sufficient go-getter. After Mark’s death they are thrown together like oil and water.
Seth seems fairly unfazed by life only two weeks after Mark’s death, and even as a close friend Bryce seems very blasé. So these elements take a lot of accepting.
Although Mark also seemed quite secretive about his illness, these guys had been together for 20 years yet read more as business partners.
Jeannie gives Seth an insight into Mark’s process but he also teaches her about what happens after.
Bryce teaches Seth about living and both he and Mark’s death force Seth to look how he has been living his life.
So overall, enjoyed the story apart from a bit of eye rolling about timings.