A review by sammyisobsessed24
The Loop by Jeremy Robert Johnson


I'm a little unsure of my complete feelings after reading The Loop. There were many parts I enjoyed and aspects of the story I found compelling. A biotech company has unleashed a technology that’s turned teenagers into blue-eyed machines of Violence and destruction, all for the high of sweet, sweet release of dopamine. The main character, Lucy, is enjoyable and someone you feel yourself easily rooting for, considering all of the hell she's been through in her past. The cast of characters are all enjoyable to read about, with unique and individual perspectives and motivations.

The book takes place largely over the span of a single night, when the town of Turner falls, Oregon becomes a war zone. This was a fast-paced, gory slash-fest. If gore wigs you out, this one isn't for you. There is a ton of body horror.

It was a fun ride, but by the end it felt like it dragged a bit. I find apocalyptic storylines can do so, as it all becomes material we're all pretty familiar with.

Over all, I had fun reading but was hoping for a little more.