A review by rosepetals1984
In Jupiter's Shadow by Gregory Gerard


Gregory Gerard's memoir "In Jupiter's Shadow" is a coming of age story that pulls no punches in its portrayal. Told in a series of entries spanning across the years from his boyhood up until his years in college, it creates an interesting dynamic with the author's fascination with heroes in the mystery genre, including the title's namesake, taken from Detective Jupiter Jones from "The Three Investigators."

I received this as an offer to read electronically from the author himself (Thanks Greg), and I have to say in the aftermath that this was an eye opening read for me. I usually like to read any books that allow me to have a different perspective on issues and portrayals, especially where it comes from a level of intimacy. This was a very different book for me to read because of the parallels made with the subject matter. To be able to not only paint such a vivid portrait of his experiences growing up in a close-knit family with their share of tough experiences and ideals, and give such an intimate account of the issue of sexuality is a feat that's challenging in and of itself. For what the work promises upon, it delivers quite well. Gerard's prose is smooth and easy to follow, and radiates a combination of humor, heartbreak, awkwardness, and frankness that I respected in areas of the work.

I did have a few qualms in the aftermath of reading "In Jupiter's Shadow", and some of these may be more nitpicks than anything else. I think the work could've had tighter and more even presentation of the themes revolving in the work, even to where the mystery parallels could've been played up a bit. One of the lines that Gerard mentions - "I couldn't solve the mystery of my sexuality" - is a powerful idea standing in itself, especially when he comes to terms with this realization where it hits in the latter part of the book. However, I think this idea could've been presented more evenly in a way where it retains its tone throughout, rather than in places where the ideas aren't as seriously conveyed. I realize that this might've been intentional because the book shows the transition from where certain ideas radiated from one point in the account to the next, but the way it read in spurts wasn't as smooth as it could've been.

Nonetheless, I did find the memoir well worth the time and the read.

Overall score: 3/5