A review by smartie_chan
Chasing The Cupcake Boy by Alex Leslie


2 / 5 Stars

I considered giving this book 1 Star, but decided against it, because I wanted to honor its effort of fat and (good) disabled rep. It also became clear, that I'm absolutly not the target audience of this book, - which isn't changing the fact, that the book isn't good - but there's that.
I also loved the plot twist. It was good. I wasn't cheated, the clues were there, but I still didn't see it coming. Sadly, it was excecuted terriblly and was a waste of potential, but the twist itself, was good. Those things and those things only, were the reason for the 2 star rating. The rest was a big uff.

So the main complaint I have is the whole reason for the plot. I could totally get why Alex went out the very first time. It made sense to me, but then he runs into Nick and from there on forward it goes all downhill. The very first time their HANDS! touch, Alex's quote cock twitched end of quote. Like dude. I know I'm ace, but come on, you allos(=not aces) can't be that horny. At least my non ace-friends aren't, and I've got the whole bunch(female,male, nonbinary, unicorn). So I can confirm, it's not the allos, it's these characters.
Anyways, Nick is absolutly pushy, - too pushy for my liking - and athough their very first interaction is horrible and not romantic at all, Alex thinks Nick is the hotest human in the univers, so duck being carefull I guess. There is no spark, no meet cute. He just thinks Nick is hot. And that's apparently enough. There even is a sec where he - at least I'M reading it that way - is kinda scared of Nick. Because he appears to be following Alex - he isn't but given the context, it made sense for Alex to think that. But Nick is mega ulta hyper hot, so he doesn't care. Doesn't care, that he's been hiding and shaking for 7 years. Doesn't care, that there is a crazy, dangerous criminal out there that is after him, doesn't care about the live he was living for 7 years. All of that doesn't matter, because Nick is hot. And banana actioin is always worth risking your life for. I'm not saying, that the life Alex had to that point was really great. And I'm also not saying, that he isn't allowed to live and be in love. What I am saying though is, that he's way to carefree. I'm not trying to shame the victim here. Jack is obviously at fault. But that isn't changing how reckless Alex is acting.

"Yes, you're a literal stranger, but take me to dinner, take me to your house were I'd be competly at your mercy. Let's not lock the door at night, let's not lock the door after I entered. It's not like there was a reason for as to why I was living like this for 7 years or anything ^^ "

That plot whole is so big, that it ruined a lot for me. But the cherry on top, was delivered by the characters and - especially - by their relationship. Both of them are fine as people but they absolutly don't work as a couple. And the book trys to hide this by doing 2 things.
1. Tell not Show :) Because after having 1 conversation you can already feel this deep, aching connection . hahah ... no :) We're told how much X apparently understands, how much they apparently have in common, but the only thing they have in common is their love for old sci-fi movies. There is nothing else, because they don't talk about anything else. There are SOME conversations, but they almost always lead to sex or talk about sex. And you know what? That's not having a connection. That's no basis for a deep romantic relationship. If they were aromantic, cool. Do you. But they are not. The book is trying so HARD to make me believe that those sexual encounters are a sign of love and emotionall bonding, when they are clearly not.
2. Sex :) This isn't an erotica... I think (?) - wait, I'm looking it up aaaand no - so that means that your characters need to actually build a connection. It's not enough to have sex. It's not enough to just throw a stalker at them and be like "See! They are working together to overcome this" Which first of all, of course, cause they don't wanna die. And second of all, they don't take that stalker serious at all.
Jack is supposed to be this big bad guy, this gigantic monster, that almost murdered Alex and left him traumaticed and hurting for the rest of his life. So what are they doing when Jack returns? When he attacks? Well... normal people would worry. But Nick and Alex? Those two just have sex.

After the very first appearance of Jack, Alex is left shacking and anxious. He is in pain and not doing too hot. So the oh so sweet Nick offers a massage. Stupid me actually thought for a second, that it would be just that. That Nick would show just ONCE that he is capable of interaction with Alex in a non-sexual way. But, - of course - I was wrong. Oh so wrong. Because yes, the only way to quote make you feel good end of quote is through sex.
And then after the second appearance , after Alex has a mild panic attack and a slight meltdown, what do you think Nick thought would be a good idea? Exactly. Sex :)
Doctors and psychologists have been doing it wrong for years. You don't help someone whose hurting with meds and theraphy. You just need to fuck it better. ^^
On that note I'd like to mention, that caring and understanding Nick is not happy that Alex is taking meds. Because you've obviously had medical education and are therefore totally quallified to decide how Alex should be treated, got it.
Sweet Nick is also not really understanding what 'taking it slow' means. Alex is a virgin, so Nick assures him that they will quote Take it slow end of quote Just to have sex in the very same chapter. I guess I just never understood what slow really means.

There is also some stuff that is rubbing me the wrong way. Like, they haven't even had 1 date yet, but Nick is already calling Alex 'his' and 'his boy' like, maybe - oh I don't know - don't ?! The book is trying to get away with this because it's like "Yeah that's a BDSM thing", which I have no clue about, so I can't object. But at that point Nick didn't talk with Alex about that yet, in fact, he never really does. They just have sex and Alex has to suddenly deal with the reality of things. The last time I checked, trust and honesty are the most important thing in this kind of sex thing. You TALK before you have sex. Because that's how consent works.
Authors often believe it's just the "Stop putting your banana in my body" thing, but it's not. Consent is way more. Like for example, it includes NOT throwing your tongue in someone elses mouth before you ask them if that's cool. Or - oh I don't know - ASKING what the other actually wants, NOT forcing them to live with you, ACCEPTING if they are telling you no. No means no, sure. But there are way more ways to say no, without using those two letters. And Nick is CLEARLY not that stupid. He knows that Alex said no, but he wants it, so we bother Alex until he says yes. And eyyy that's totally counting as consent, am I right?
Or there is that time were Nick calls Alex a quote naturally born submissive end of quote . Again, that's at a time when they had NOT talked about the whole BDSM and - what is it you actually like doing in bed - thing yet. So could you maybe not?

There is also a clear lack of cupcakes. The dude is called cupcake boy and the book is LITERALLY called chasing the cupcake boy. So how many cupcakes is Alex making? How important are they really for him? I'm bringing this up, because it is totally possible to include cupcake making. 'Remaking of Corbin Whale' does that greatly. After reading it I got hungry for jewish food, because the book made it sound so good! I wanted that from this book too. They buy food in one scene and I hoped they'd get the chance to make cupcakes together. I wanted a cute scene, someting, literally anything cute. But I didn't get that. So when they tell each other the L-Word, I'm not impressed.
In fact, I believe you guys misspoke. You kinda spelled 'lust' wrong. It's not pronounced like 'love'. Because the truth is, they didn't fall in love, they fell in lust.

The plot twist was great, but it was also done so poorly, I felt cheated. I'm mad, so I'll write about it. If you wanna get spoiled, continue reading the spoiler section of this comment.
Spoiler So, we find out, that 'Jack' is actually Nicks Bff, who was just using a fake name/identity. Which is why the person who opens the door for Jack is Nick himself. He then attacks Nick, so that he can get to Alex. He does NOT kill Nick though. I'd say the reason for that is obvious. Jack didn't kill Nick because they are friends. He COULD have, but he made the decision not to. I thought, that we could and WOULD get an intense emotional battle, of love aka platonic vs. romantic love, where Jack has to decide whether he wants to kill his friend to be with his 'boy' or if he wants to spare his friend and give up on Alex ... OR if he wants to kill Alex but spare Nick, because he may not love Nick romantically, but he absolutly does love him platonically. Can you imagine what kind of show down that would have been? The potential was there, and I was so excited to turn the page, .... just to be dissapointed. There is no showdown. It's not even a real fight. Because yeah, sure, Jack was able to beat the embodyment of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Fitness Trainer Dude Nick but he loses to Alex? I'm not sure if I should cry or laugh. Probably both. Because you see, I AM fat too, and I wouldn't have been able to beat Jack. I think this was the author trying to include good fat rep, but boy, that's not how you do it.
Oh, and the climax is over in less then half a chapter. Wow, what a great way to end the book.

There was so much more that I didn't like, but let's leave it like that for now.
Like I said, I'm not into BDSM And/or PWP, and I'm also not getting horny from reading gay people be gay. So sorry that I went into this thinking I'd be getting a cute romantic story with a fat gay lead and many cupcakes. I guess, that was my fault.

If any of the above sounds like your kind of thing, go for it. I'm really happy that there seems to be someone that could enjoy this book. That someone - however - wasn't me.