A review by hfg96
Raven Black by Ann Cleeves



Rating - 4 stars (7.5/10 rounded up to 8/10)
Best thing - plot twist
Worst thing - struggled to get into it at the beginning
Bottom line - enjoyable crime/mystery story


- the setting (I'm biased because I'm Scottish)
- did not see the plot twist coming at all (could be because I haven't read that much, so a more seasoned reader might predict it) (had comepletly forgotten what happened from the first season of the TV series)
- the changes in POV were a good length for me (I don't like staying in one POV for a long time, personal prefence thing)
- liked the balance between the murder mystery, and the characters personal storys and development, wasn't too heavily squewed one way or the other
- author didn't give away all the details making it impossible (for me anyway) to figure out who the killer was, author leading by the hand which felt very different from other crime/murder mystery books I've read (again, I haven't read a lot so a more well-read reader might feel very differently about this)
- easy reading once I got going
- pace picks up at the end

- the inevitable discrepancy issue which comes with any book and its TV or film adaptation in that the characters that I read in the book don't quite fit (for me personally), and was a bit jarring at times (this is not a critique of the book or of the TV show, but rather something to watch out for if you've seen the show, and want to read the books)
- found it difficult to get into at first
- sometimes there was a bit of unnecessary over sexualisation of young women, potentially I'm overly sensetive about that, not sure

Yes if ...
- you're looking for a fairly easy read in the murder mystery/crime genre
- you enjoyed "The Chessmen" books by Peter May and are looking for something similar
- you enjoyed the TV show ("Shetland")

No if ...
- you like being given enough detail by the author to figure out 'whodunit' on your own
- you didn't enjoy the TV show ("Shetland")

Looking forward to the next book "White Nights"

Enjoyable crime/murder mystery story with an exciting unpredictable end