A review by dean_issov
The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity Is Hurting Young Women by Jessica Valenti

challenging emotional informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


The Purity Myth by Jessica Valenti is an eye-opening book that reveals the hideous side of America, religion, and the porn industry (as if the porn industry isn't already entirely hideous). It still saddens me today that we still live in a world where women are hypersexualized no matter what their age is, what they do, what they wear and wherever they go. The purity culture not only saddens me but angers me, I think this book emphasized enough how messed up it is; how the parents treat their young daughters like their only worth is their virginity and sexuality, and it doesn't surprise me that those who are in purity cultures are mostly Christians; what did I even expect from a religion that uses figures such as Mother Mary, a virgin who bore a son, as a role model for women. Religion and purity culture aside, this book also takes a large portion talking about the porn industry and their pattern of abuse toward women. Fortunately, the porn industry is getting a tad bit better now with their treatment toward women as there is a continuous increase of feminist made pornos and pornsites. This book also talks about the root of the problem of the hypersexualization of women; the toxic masculinity and superiority complex of men. Before anyone here gets defensive about anything that I said in this review, I highly insist that you read this book first before you rage comment on my post or any post that talks about toxic masculinity; feminists do not hate men (although I do acknowledge that there are radical feminists out there and that, even though they are a minority, they tend to be the most vocal; no movement or ideology is perfect, we know) rather they hate how men are raised to feel entitled to think that women are inferior to them, even in a minor scale. 

I love this book, I love how it made me angry in the beginning and hopeful in the end. Jessica Valenti did a spectacular job with this book and I am looking forward to reading more of her work soon. 

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