A review by snowbenton
Advice for Future Corpses (and Those Who Love Them): A Practical Perspective on Death and Dying by Sallie Tisdale


Tisdale breaks down the reality around death in a surprisingly loving way. She asks you, in a way that is both gentle and forceful, to really consider what the process of dying entails, and how you are going to deal with it.

This book will make you think about how you will care for your parents, your partner, and how you will ask them to care for you. She gives advice for how to talk with people who are terminally ill, and how to be kind (all good lessons in general). I cried a lot listening to this book, but in a cathartic way. Listening to the audio gave me time to process and think about my grandmother's passing a few years ago, and the loss of a friend of many years this past fall. It made me want to go out and hug everyone I have ever loved.

Read this book before you need it.