A review by cherryredsreads
In the Unlikely Event by L.J. Shen


And I am DED!

I'm still in a delicious book hangover from this story.

Author [a:L.J. Shen|13531492|L.J. Shen|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1553204359p2/13531492.jpg] is brilliant at giving readers those intimate, deliriously outrageous love stories that we fall for super hard and never want to let go!  Well done & Thank you!

I was swooning, gasping, loving, feeling flushed from all the steamy times,  hating on tons of people, wanting to slap sense and then some into the main characters of Malachy & Rory but at last; this book delivered a story that I will never forget.

Cows, Napkins & Chocolate Bars will never look the same to me again.

Believe me this book will suck you in and make you question whether there can be a Happily ever after.

I loved everything about this book.

Just go #oneclick it and be ready to believe if promises can be broken but fixed with the ones you love.

**ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review***

5 Cherries Popped