A review by sunsoar25
Adventures of Dr. McNinja: Night Powers by Benito Cereno, Christopher Hastings, Les McClaine


This graphic novel’s tone features a good deal of absurdist, nonsensical, wacky humor that for the most part is incredible and highly stylized in this format. Each character has a strong personality that comes through. As for the themes this is able to parody many aspects of popular culture in the struggle between good and evil. The story follows Dr. McNinja and his sidekick Gordito. The doctor comes from a ninja family but also has an interest in the medical arts – he can kill with one hand and heal with the other. Gordito on the other hand is 12, has grown a mustache by sheer force of will, rides a velociraptor, and is a crack shot with his revolvers. The graphic novel features a few interconnected adventures as the two partners attempt to keep their community safe. King Radical interconnects the stories; he wants to make life more rad in the community but he seems quite nefarious from the doctor's perspective. [By the way, King Radical totally looks like The Burger King so that makes him plenty nefarious in my book!]
This graphic novel was a very fun and hilarious read. It also included neat little notes from the author at the bottom of each page. I believe the awesomeness and fast-paced, not forced humor of the story and characters would be very appealing to teens. It also mashes up many aspects of popular culture in way that works. Its strengths lie in the fact that it is a refreshing, fast-paced read that begs you to continue. A weakness, for lack of a better word, is that the reader could feel a little out of the loop if they don't get all of the references or jokes. The expressed idea that it isn't always easy to tell the good from the bad is an interesting note on real life.
4Q 5P G, J S
The cover features Dr. McNinja in his doctor/ ninja clothes, a motorcycle with a rainbow stripe and lightning in the background; how awesome is that? It makes it look very cool, current, and interesting by incorporating these elements. The only way the cover could possibly be any cooler would be to also include Gordito riding Yoshi the velociraptor!
2012 Great Graphic Novels for Teens, Comedy/ Action
[I needed to read and review this novel for a course and the above was my course review with voya codes and all.]