A review by velvetsun
Do Us Part by Alessandra Torre


This book's rating: 2 stars
Overall series rating: 3 stars

This series which is comprised of 4 novellas, is definitely a quick, interesting read. However, the first novella was by far the best. Mainly due to the mystery surrounding Mr Dumont and why he makes his offer of an 'arrangement' with Candy.

Unfortunately, once I got past the first novella, and we started to really get a glimpse inside the 3 main characters...that's when the series began to go downhill. The reasoning behind Nathan's actions? While it made for an interesting twist, it was way too far fetched. Plus, his behavior throughout the series was just ridiculously selfish and assholery.

I honestly thought that the story would end up going in a different direction...one involving Drew. If it had, I think I would have ended up giving the books a much higher rating, since that would have been the unconventional, and unique way to go. But, no. The final installment put a nail in that coffin, and I felt like the OTT flowery declarations of love by Nathan were completely out of character and unbelievable. As well as Candy's willingness to forgive him.