A review by mamabookwyrm
To Have and to Hold by Serena Bell


First I want to thank Serena Bell for the superb job she did in depicting what it is like for those living with memory loss and their loved ones. To Have and To Hold captivated me from the very beginning. It’s an emotional rollercoaster from beginning to end. I’m pretty sure I was either teary eyed or crying throughout most of the book, even during the parts that made me smile or laugh. Hunter is a soldier coming home from war after being injured. Trina is the mother of his daughter’s best friend. Before his deployment they had been having a secret relationship but were going to take it to the next level when he got back. At his return, though, Hunter finds he’s missing a year of his life—the year that includes their relationship.

The strength that Trina has is amazing. She was definitely an inspiration for me as I read the book and I found myself rooting for her in whatever direction the book took. I could definitely understand Hunter’s confusion and frustration, even if I wanted to junk punch him at times. And I absolutely adored Paige, Clara and Linda. I found Linda’s antics hilarious. I haven’t read the other books in the series but I definitely plan to go back and read them now.

I had a book hangover after reading this. It took me a couple of days to write this review but I’ve already recommended it to friends.

ARC provided by NetGalley.