A review by starburst3625
Her Unsuitable Match by Sally Britton


Ahhh! I LOVED this book. I can’t even...ha ha, okay, I guess I can because I need you to know how good it is. I couldn’t stop reading it. My family is lucky they got fed. How often do you finish a book and feel completely satisfied? Not wish for one tiny detail of the story to be different? For me it’s actually not that often. I enjoy many books, and even love lots of books, but I don’t often feel this happy at the end of a book. I am a big fan of a marriage of convenience story and I have read many. This is now one of my favourites of all that I have read. During the build up to the marriage I actually thought, “Hey, this makes more sense and seems more reasonable than the reasons for marrying in a lot of these stories.” The whole story just flowed organically and wasn’t forced or tortured. It was impossible not to fall in love with the hero and heroine. Their character growth was compelling. The relationship development was beautiful. Romantic tension and build-up in a clean romance novel is a real art. It’s definitely on display here. And for once I felt like the characters behaved a lot like how I think I would behave in that situation. They had reasonable reserve and anxieties, but they didn’t keep things from each other forever just to prolong the story. The hero’s war experiences and PTSD were an important layer to the story and were addressed well. This author likes her research and she added many details throughout that enriched the story and settings. And I love a good epilogue! This one was so satisfying. You can also look forward to visits from characters from other books by this author...and not just the expected ones from “His Unexpected Heiress”. This book is a sequel to that book in some ways and I think that reading both enriches the experience of this book, but this book is still wonderful as a stand-alone. (Although I bet you’ll want to go back and read the first book after you read this one. Just saying....) So to sum up, READ THIS BOOK!!! I unreservedly recommend it!