A review by sgtbigg
The Day After Gettysburg by J.R. Dunn, Robert Conroy


A decent alternate history in which Lee turned on Meade and attacked after Gettysburg rather than crossing the Potomac. A number of editing errors marred the book, Edwin Stanton becoming Edward and the 3rd Arkansas becoming the 3rd Alabama for a paragraph before changing back, to name just two. There was a scene in which Confederate troops staged a bloody frontal assault during which two Union officers had a discussion about how Union generals would never throw troops away in such a useless manner. Perhaps the characters had simply forgotten about Marye's Heights in Fredericksburg. I could have done without the looting, pillaging, raping Confederates that bore little resemblance to actual Civil War era soldiers. These and other similar issues took away from what would have otherwise been a good book. As it is, I would give it 2.5 stars.