A review by notevenastar
Nobody's Darling by Teresa Medeiros


This is only the second book I’ve finished this month, which is terrifying. I’d normally have read about about eighteen to twenty titles by this point in a regular month. That’ll tell you how I’m doing, mentally.

Anyways. This book was, uhm, really something! It was funny and compelling and I stayed up to 3AM reading it last night, though mostly just as a distraction. I bought this and three other bodice rippers at Goodwill as research for a project I’ve been working on. Something tells me I’m going to have to get used to racist backgrounds and period typical antiblackness as I delve deeper into historical romance. I’m not overly sensitive about these things (I normally just get super sad, not so much angry) but dude. This book is a Wild West set story about a cowboy whose familial downfall came after his father was discovered to be a Confederate sympathizer. There aren’t any black characters present— this entire conflict is just to establish him as in opposition to the heroine’s status as a Yankee whose parents were staunch abolitionists. Like I said. Racism seems like nothing but a backdrop.

Other than this, I did enjoy the majority the story, as most of my moral issues were peripheral things included to set the backdrop of the 1880’s. So whatever.