A review by biblioholicbeth
Hidden Sun: Shadowlands Book I by Jaine Fenn


Rhia is...unconventional, to say the least. She is a noble lady - but one who spurns the idea of a conventional marriage, because she knows that a conventional man would not allow his wife to continue with her scientific studies. She is also the acting head of household - as her brother disappeared the night a young lady was murdered. When she hears that her brother has been located, she decides to join the party going to fetch him, figuring she can see to her brother *and* her studies at the same time. When her path crosses with a skyborn who is only half-bonded, one who has no real history other than the one created for her at an orphanage...

Full review at http://vampirebookclub.net/early-review-hidden-sun-by-jaine-fenn-shadowlands-1/t