A review by bibliophilelinda
Rides a Dread Legion by Raymond E. Feist


Great story! Though I haven't read Feist's previous works, I most certainly will in the future. This story may be a continuation of an ongoing saga within the world of Midkemia, but Feist adds enough detail that the previously uninitiated do not have any trouble keeping up with the storyline. A new threat looms over Midkemia. The Taredhel, or the lost race of elves, return to Midkemia after having fought and sustained many losses in a battle with a horde of demons. Proud and arrogant, they simply assumed they could come to Midkemia and conquer to establish their new home. However, when a demon master named Gulamendis is sent to scout out the land and meet the locals he discovers Tomas and the truth behind much of the Taredhel's lore. A truth that shatters the Taredhel's over-confidence. But Tomas' welcome tempers the elves and they forge an alliance. At the same time, the Warlock Amirantha and his companion, Brandos, discover that something dangerous is controlling the demons and, worse, interfering with magic used to control the demon population. Through a series of events, they meet Pug, one of the greatest magicians ever known in Midkemia, as well as Tomas and Gulamendis and the group works to discover the extent of the treachery and exactly who might be behind the danger. Interesting, compelling and a great quick read.