A review by nikshelby
Raisins and Almonds by Kerry Greenwood


Leo Rosten (The Joys of Yiddish) "'I challenge you,' said the young man, 'to tell me the whole of the Torag while standing on one leg,' 'That which is hateful to you, do not do unto your neighbors,' snapped Rabbi Hillel. 'All the rest is commentary. So and learn!'"

>>> "Bert, in his reflective moments, considered that if heaven didn't have a well-appointed pub where a man could sit down over a beer for a yarn with the other angels, then he didnt want to go there."

>>> "Ember snuggled up to the caressing hand, radiating consciousness of being a cat (and therefore naturally superior."

>>> "The formula was concealed inside Phryne's bust band. An obvious precaution. She had removed it that morning from its place in her packet of sanitary napkins. She had gambled on that not being searched. The subconscious male taboo on menstruation worked on customs officers, too."