A review by haselrig
Father and Son by Larry Brown


Enjoyed this one quite a bit. A lot of the magic in this book is in the littlest moments. Things that have very little to do with the main thrust of the plot, but are so well done that they stand out.

The other reviews already on-site are going to sum it all up better than I can, but one thing that struck me was that despite being the spring that makes the clockwork of the plot move, I couldn't help feeling that the book might have been stronger if Glen had sat in his prison cell throughout the story. Menace at a remove instead of the jagged tear through all the characters lives that we get. All of Brown's characters seemed strong enough to carry the book themselves with occasional flashbacks of Glen to provide tension and texture. Oh well, not a serious complaint. Just wistful for a second version of the novel to experience a slightly different interpretation of events.