A review by foxholebookcourt
Lost Boi by Sassafras Lowrey


Lost Boi by Sassafras Lowrey
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

I don’t even know what to say first about this book. Was it obscure, secretive and edgy? Yes, yes it was. Was it queer and proud of itself? Yes, it definitely was. The story didn’t try to hide anything, that’s for sure. It deals with some heavy stuff like BDSM, D/s, kinks, as well as matters of homelessness and drug abuse.

First I want to say a big thank you to @queerbiblioboy for recommending this book. The moment I saw his post about it, I knew I had to get it. And I did. I bought it and, surprisingly, read it immediately. Well, as immediately as exams would allow me. This retelling of the classic children's story Peter Pan, took the world of Neverland as we know it and brought it upside down, or rather, brought it into a completely new light which added a flare I had never thought would match a story like this.

Admittedly, I was a bit confused at the start as I tried to piece together what had remained intact from the original story and what hadn’t, but soon, I delved deeper into the author’s writing – which is excellent, if I have to say – and got really invested in the story of Tootles, one of Pan's lost bois. Suddenly, characters like Pan and Hook and even the lost boys were presented through a whole new perspective, with unlikely depth, even for a book that’s less than 250 pages long.

Needless to say, I enjoyed this very much. It was very appropriate to read during pride month. It was unapologetically queer.

"There is magic everywhere around you, but most people are too busy being grownup to notice it."