A review by jhdot
Consequences of Capitalism: Manufacturing Discontent and Resistance by Marv Waterstone, Noam Chomsky


3.5 stars rounded up.
I struggled in the beginning with the style of this book. It is essentially transcripts from lectures they gave in a class they co-taught. As such, I feel as if a lot of nuance in delivery, inflection, sarcasm, etc. was lost. I got more used to it as I progressed through the book and it became easier to read.

They did address relationships and impacts of capitalism in a variety of fields that helped provide a useful lens for which to examine the world around us, particularly the US. They did address how capitalism and racism have been historically connected, although I feel as if the issues of racism came second-handed and they missed opportunities to go further. (Granted, the book is focused on capitalism and racism is not their area of expertise. Nevertheless, I would have like to see them go further)