A review by bookwormlala
Break You by Jennifer Snyder


Plot: D
Characters: C-
Hrst: D
This book is largely ineractions with other people. For a large majority of the book, it seems like Blair and Jason don't even interact, we just see them with their friends and/or family.

Jason is an incosiderate, immature boy. A lot of things he said/did/thought rubbed me the wrong way. Blair forgave and let him off the hook way too easily. She just believed what he said immediately, with little explanation, when she had been all worked up over it.

And there were heartbreaking events back to back. Talk about a downer; and it just ended on that sad,terrible note. They really didn't even talk about anything or work things out.

This book was an information overload on details, and things that didn't matter to the plot. Like scenery, clothes, and history that put the characters in a negative light.