A review by ljrinaldi
The Ship to Nowhere: On Board the Exodus by Rona Arato


So, so timely. The story of refugees that no one would let in sounds like something from todays news, but this was 1947 and no one wanted the Jews. It may seem hard to believe that this people were refused refuge, but that was the way in was in 1947, when Israel didn't even exist yet, and yet that is where these people wanted to go, Palestine. But the British controlled it, and would let no new refugees in.

The book is written with a middle-school audience in mind, and is a truthful fictionalized telling of the Exodus 1947, the ship filled with Jewish refugees from all over Europe. They had survived the war, but now had no place to call home. Much of the information for this book comes from, of course, the refugees themselves, but there was an American reporter that followed the ship and wrote about this, Ruth Gruber.

Using photos, real photos, of the ship and the passengers, this is an engaging tale. Good book for the classroom. Definitely a book that should be given to all, to get background on how refugees have been treated in the past.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.