A review by writings_of_a_reader
The Waking Fire by Anthony Ryan


The Waking Fire is the first book I've read by Anthony Ryan and I must say that I really enjoyed it. The world building was good and the magic system was interesting. It reminded me a bit of Mistborn with the whole ingesting a substance to gain the magical ability thing. I liked the combination of magic and steam with guns thrown in as well, and of course the dragons. It kind of had an old west feel to it at times.

The book is broken down into three different character points of view, and it alternated between them with each chapter. One thing I really liked were the cliff hangers at the end of a lot of them. It really kept me reading. There were a couple of times that I just had to skip ahead to see what happened next!

I found most of the characters interesting with Clay being my favorite. Lizanne and Hilemore were also both likable. Although I enjoyed reading about Hilemore's adventures just as much as Clay's and Lizanne's, we didn't get as much of Hilemore and it wasn't clear until well into the book what sort of role he would play in the grand scheme of things.

I would say the only draw backs were the book lagged in parts and also lacked a bit in character development. I still don't really feel like I know most of the characters as well as I would like to. Also about the character Silverpin...
Spoiler I didn't find the explanation for what she did and why she did it to be very clear. She was chosen by the White because she was special just doesn't cut it for me. We needed more development there.

I'm interested in finding out what happens next so I will be looking forward to reading more books in the series.

Review also posted at Writings of a Reader