A review by emilzbh
Température orange : Veil, tome 1, by Kotteri


I love manga with beautiful art and this certainly delivered. I can see every page in a fashion magazine, especially Emma's outfits that are drawn with so much detail and how Aleksander's outfits complimented Emma's; they just have such a nice, fancy aesthetic together and I love it. The general aesthetic of this story is just so cute and the art is just so pretty.

Emma and Aleksander's relationship is so- ugh, makes my stubborn heart want what they have desperately. This story is told through snippets of their everyday life together with no particular narrative but it works so well. It shows their bond through little moments really well, they're not grand romantic gestures but that's the reason I like it so much. I definitely have a soft spot for that kind of romance in media. Although, I do have to say I would've liked a progression of how their relationship came to be and then these little moments but I still loved it nonetheless.

I would kill for an English translation physical copy of this and the rest of the manga to be translated, please.