A review by manajanee
Obsession by Story Brooks, Cassie Hargrove


3.5 stars. 


★ – didn’t like/DNF

★★ – was okay, but I probably won’t look for any sequels

★★★- was good, I’ll likely read the next one

★★★★ – I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was great and I’ll definitely be looking for any sequels

★★★★★ – I loved it so much I’m adding the paperback to my cart right now

So I had to knock a star off immediately though. Why? Okay so i’m like two chapters in and already i have to say. Witness protection doesn’t work like that. For one the FBI might request WITSEC but the US Marshall would take over, the FBI wouldn’t know where they are. Their only point of contact knowing their location, new identities and original identities should be the Marshall handling their case and definitely not make the local police away because and as is the case if there’s any corrupt cops it compromises the persons safety. The fewer people who know the better. 

The only way i can see this being somewhat credible is if (and if i’m correct ill hide with with a spoiler)
Spoiler the FBI agent is dirty and didn’t actually go through WITSEC but wants Haliee and her dad to think they’re in witness protection. Alright so it isn't confirmed but I'm still yagging it as spoiler cause like there's no way he's not dirty.

I'd you can get past the inaccuracies of witness protection (it's more like police/federal protection) then the story gets interesting enough that I'll probably read the next one.