A review by booklvrkat
The Jade Temptress by Jeannie Lin


Welcome to the infamous Pingkang Li—home of the celebrated Lotus Palace courtesans, and a place of beauty and treachery...

That’s how we enter into the story of Mingyu, the most popular Courtesan in the district. When scandal once again begins to surround her with the death of a high ranking official, and a patron, another decides he’s going to claim her. Enter our sincere constable, Wu Kaifeng, and his increasing uncertainty that Mingyu is really telling the truth. Joining influences, albeit a tad unwilling on both sides, they realize that something is amiss with the full story, and many people are hiding more than we expected.

Jeannie Lin lets us in on all the riddles as the story wraps and unfolds around our two lead characters. I love how she is able to let the longing between our two characters grow and simmer as they in turn learn about each other. The world of the Pingkang Li and surrounding area is becoming more familiar to me, as is the writing style of the author. She hasn’t disappointed me with how her tales, the mysteries, and her character development occurs. Truly I am going to devour this series like a bag of really tasty cookies.