A review by shubhra19
Barnabas Tew and The Case Of The Missing Scarab by Columbkill Noonan


Truly hilarious book! Read such a quirky book after long. When an incompetent detective is hired by an Egyptian lord, what happens? Gear up for a funny ride and know the fate of this detective and his slightly wiser, but not really, assistant.

Barnabas Tew is a detective who solve cases such that his employers end up dead. Of course he doesn’t kills them but somehow he is more of unlucky than lucky in solving his cases. But all that does not deters him from equating his case solving skills with none other than Sherlock Holmes. His abilities fall short of his ambitions and he knows that well, but thanks to his assistant Wilfred, who keeps Barnabas happy and does not let him feel bad about his failures.

In case of one such failure, he takes Barnabas to visit a museum to witness it’s latest attraction, an Egyptian Mummy, and what unfolds from here, is definitely worth reading. Their journey in Egyptian afterlife and solving the case is full of slapstick events. In spite of all the perils that adorn their way, Barnabas and his assistant never let go and though in a silly manner, try their best to solve the case.

Barnabas and Wilfred’s conversations are cute. The author has used beautiful language that would be a delight to go through, specially for younger readers. All in all I would highly recommend this book to everyone who loves to read a comic-detective piece of fiction.