A review by btg
Dark Genesis by Dave Ferraro


I enjoyed this quite a bit. I think it was fresh, it was action packed, and the underlying love story was fantastic.
Here's the things I didn't like: There were some spaces of the book where it seemed like the author just wanted a change of scenery, so the scene changed very abruptly and without warning. These parts (particularly the first time from Fire King to Ice Queen, and the Climax) ended up somewhat confusing, and had about a couple of pages of what I call the "skeleton effect", where the description was down a little so the author could transition the action, and the reader was left scratching their head like, "Huh? What just happened?" Now, the Fire King to Ice Queen wasn't quite that bad, but the Climax could use some work. I was completely confuzzled over the fact that Lilith was masquerading as the queen.
And Alyssa could have been a bit more suspicious, at least in the beginning. Her fatal character flaw is her suspicion, right? Maybe I was wrong, but it kind of felt like it. Especially since she was a spy and she did show instincts.
I would also like to point out that some character lines seemed detached. None from Alyssa or Parker, but I think I saw a couple from Vessa, Lace, and Flax. And not all of them, just a few scattered around.
However, don't go thinking I didn't like the book. I thoroughly enjoyed it! First of all, I loved how the author distinguished exactly how Alyssa ended up in that world, and what distinguished the two. Some people who have "alternate universe time" don't tend to do that. They just go, "Hey, it happened, let it go." I also like how the relationship between all the characters on the quest evolved. There are some things you just can't go through without being friends, and this book really showcased that. The ending, also, was a little quick but something I loved. And I love all the myth from our world that was put into it, as well as a lot of original thinking on the author's part. My favorite portion, personally, was their time spent in Frankenstein as well.
All in all, it was well done and I enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me read!