A review by brynn_books
The Girl with Seven Names, by Hyeonseo Lee


This is not a book that I would have picked up on my own free will. I probably would have glanced over it because I don’t really read a lot of memoirs. But I had to read this book for school and while I don’t typically enjoy having to do work over a book which often makes me like a book less, I really enjoyed this one. 

This book is all about a young girl who escapes from North Korea and how she becomes free. It is also about how a single action from one person can change a person life. Because the authors life was change in this book because a stranger showed kindness to her and was able to help her during a very difficult time in her life. 

I enjoyed reading this book and getting to compare the differences between North Korea and America because they are very different and it was really interesting seeing how these North Koreans talk about the Americans. It was like seeing America through a different lense. 

Sometimes this books did drag a bit and I was bored but the story quickly picked back up and I became obsessed like I hate to know how the story was going to end and whether her mother and brother would ever get free from North Korea. 

This book is sort of persuading me to want to read more memoirs because I enjoyed this one so much but we’ll see. We’ll see...

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