A review by jenny_reads_horror
A Wicked Snow by Gregg Olsen


Oh my goodness...this e-book was excellent!! Gregg Olsen just had a way of drawing me in and keeping me hooked. The book is divided into 3 parts, the first being current day, with a little bit of the past thrown in but just enough to have you asking what in the world went down all those years ago to traumatize Hannah so much. The second part goes in the past and fills in the blanks from part one plus some (alright a lot). The final part goes back to current day and how the story had progressed from part one. I will admit the first couple chapters were kinda blah but after that it was full throttle. The character I enjoyed the most was actually Special Agent Bauer. I loved how after all those years he still had a special place in his heart for Hannah and never gave up on Hannah or the case. So many times I just wished I could slap the crap out of Hannah's mother...especially towards the end. There were plenty of surprises in the final part of the book that I really enjoyed and was kind of disappointed when I got to the last page. The way this book ended I kept thinking how awesome it would be if Mr. Olsen wrote a sequel. Highly recommend this one!

see more of my reviews at www.cantputitdown.blog.com