A review by fortheloveoffictionalworlds
Conspirator by RV Raman


Disclaimer: A physical copy was provided via Hachette India as part of the Blog Tour. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are however my own.

Actual Rating 4.5 Stars

This is my first book by RV Raman – and I have to say, I have become a fan. He has created a world that is terrifyingly realistic in its portrayal of a world that is as real to the laymen as it is fictional.

In fact, that’s the exact thought that comes to mind when I read this book – “Does this fantastical world could actually be real?” “Do people in power actually work like this?” “Do mechanisms in place work like a well – oiled machine to produce news that is beneficial just to a part of the population?”

The terrifying answer comes to me – Yes. Yes. It is definitely possible. And that’s the USP of this book; the fact that every mechanism, every manipulation in this book is definitely fictional but could also definitely be real!

The plot started off with the introduction of a media mogul, his worries, his manipulations and his way of doing business and moves forward to deceit, murder and mayhem.

When Inspector Dhruvi, a very competent police officer walks into the madness of the aftermath – she is left with unravelling webs of lies, manipulation and fabrications.

I adored the writing style of the author – it is clean, cut, simple yet confident it’s ability to engross the reader’s attention right till the end. The plot is engaging its monstrosity, the murder mystery at its core has the readers scrambling to understand the what, why, and who’s. The characters are strong, decisive and even when they creep you out, you can’t help but respect them.

Any readers of mystery, crime thrillers would enjoy the heck out of this book – strong, appealing plotline with solid characters, yes even the female ones with no sleazy situations. Highly recommended.

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