A review by alwaysreadingreview
Only Mine by Susan Mallery


I love how Susan added that Dakota has endometrosis. The only thing I did not like was that it said tests. The only way to be diagnosed with endo is with surgery. A MRI, etc can not detect endometriosis. Only surgery can detect it. You need a skilled surgeon, too. A surgeon that can excise it out. After my son, Noah, was born in April 2004, I was diagnosed in October 2004 with endo by surgery. In May 2005, I had another surgery with a better skilled surgeon, who was able to removed the endo & I was endo free until this year and now it is making it's way back. The pain is a lot less than what it was 6 years ago.

When Susan wrote that Dakota could not have children because of the endo, I did not believe it. I have known so many women, who have been told that and defy that and had their child(ren). The theme in this story is never Never give up hope.

I still want to live in a town like Fool's Gold. Ok. Where is there a town like this? Anyone?

This is another must read by Susan Mallery!!! I can not wait to read the next one, Only His! I hope she writes more. (hint hint)