A review by norrin2
The New and Improved Romie Futch, by Julia Elliott


I have a bad habit of not finishing a lot of books I start reading. I'm not proud of quitting but it just seems like life is too short and too full of good books to spend a lot of time reading bad ones. So I resolved to change that, to finish what I start. Unfortunately I made this resolution right before I read this book, and I have decided that quitting is not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, my God, are there no editors out there? this book went on and on and on describing the protag's headaches and drug binges until my head hurt. It seems like two books in one, neither one very compelling -- the Hogzilla story and the scary agency doing doing brain implant experiments. All I can say is if the next book I start isn't any better than this I'm chucking it aside with a clear conscience.