A review by barb4ry1
Alien Bounty Hunter: Volume 1 by David M. Booher, F. J. Desanto, Adrian F. Wassel


Actual rating: 3.5

Comic book time! 

I’ll start with the artwork. It’s stunning. The lettering, colours, little word bubbles with alien words can compete with the best in the genre. Just check the images of the Reaper on her bike or this wicked alien and her tentacled sidekick. A joy to watch. 

Straightforward plot doesn’t surprise but remains enjoyable throughout. Likeable characters move through a strange world divided into sectors ruled by malevolent aliens. I especially liked the Reaper - a true badass female character with her own reasons and motivations.

The book finishes with a cliffhanger, but Volume 2 should be out soon, right?

An enjoyable brain candy with stunning artwork.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley.