A review by greerd
After the Plague by Jean Ure


One of my first post-apocalyptic novels. Bless.

While [b:Plague|1687896|Plague (Plague 99, #1)|Jean Ure|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1364457680s/1687896.jpg|1684700] was a standard everyone-is-dead-what-do-we-do kind of novel, this is more of a thought experiment: what if the survivors created an apparently normal, functioning community, except all the men were castrated.

And then an intact male from another colony stumbles upon their community.

It's pretty out there, as far as concepts go.

And it's certainly thought-provoking, because while I'm against any kind of mutilation being dictated on any subset of the population... as a woman, I know which community sounds more appealing to live in.

(I also wanted more details about their community. Tell me more about the shared housing! Are all the women lesbians? Do they farm? Explore? Do they make clothes? How have they repaired their buildings? And furnishings?)

An interesting book that could have been twice as long and still fascinated me.