A review by seeinghowitgoes
Rise: The Complete Newsflesh Collection by Mira Grant


There's something about the length of a novella which is misleading, when you're reading one on its own it ends entirely too quickly. However when grouped together as one mass omnibus it quicky becomes apparent just how much material we're talking about.

And so was the case with Rise, over the past few years little stories have been drip fed to us and are now finally in one volume for our reading pleasure. The thing is, the drips rather worked, there's a magic to the stories when they're read with time separating them, the shocks and reveals come quickly and feel somewhat muted when all together. Foxy is still the standout however.

And of course it's the last two stories that everyone has come for, our reunion with George and Shaun, messed up as ever and facing a medical emergency when it appears that Georgia's clone body is failing them at last. Because it's the rising nothing good ever happens and there's more ugliness to come in this universe, but the story is a welcome piece of closure in the overall universe.